Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Triple Encounter

An encounter with one alien would be strange enough, but one witness (who wishes to remain anonymous) submitted his report to the Mutual UFO Network website and said he encountered not one, but three different types of alien creatures one day in 1991 while he was guarding a farm in Falmouth Kentucky!  
So here's the picture, this man was just sitting on a bench enjoying his delicious lunch, just an average day. Suddenly, one of the workers on the farm ran up to him scared and said that he had seen trespassers on the farm.  The man quickly finished his delicious meal, and grabbed his trusty gun. He decided to go out and see if he could find the "trespassers" and run em outta town.  He searched far and wide and ended up out in the middle of the Lost Woods, and when he was there something darted behind a tree!  He pointed his gun at the "creature" and commanded it to show its face. Let's just say...he couldn't believe his eyes.

The "thing" was merely three feet tall and it had grey skin and large black eyes that looked up at him with a cold glaze.  As he hesitated, wondering what he should do next the being suddenly seemed to telepathically say to him not to shoot.  It then explained it was going to leave him alone and took off running up the hill to a seven foot tall beam of light that appeared on the hilltop.  Just as the creature was about to leave, the witness recounts that at this point he became aware of another creature standing behind him.  As he turned to face this new unknown entity, he described the entity as being scaly like a lizard, but with insect-like features.  The witness was disturbed, but terrified at this point.  Shortly after that a third entity appeared - this one appearing like a tall Bigfoot type entity.  After the experience the witness suddenly lost consciousness and woke up hours later.

When he came to, he returned to his post back at the farm and one of the workers there asked him where he had been all day.  He had no recollection of the events that transpired prior to this after encountering the two strange creatures.  While it might sound fantastic, the idea of multiple types of aliens working in concert in a single area has been reported before in the past.  And while these encounters seem too strange to be believed by some, others say the testimony of those involved in them only add to a mountain of evidence suggesting we are being visited far more than we may have originally thought.

The witness further went on to speculate that it's possible the entities could have been "transdimensional" thus resulting in their ability to disappear without a trace.  Just how this works, none of us could even venture a guess.

Well we hope you enjoyed this little anecdote, it is always interesting to hear tales of the strange from those who believe they have encountered them. That's all we got for you today UFO Hunters, but until tomorrow...UFO Today signing out.


  1. Hah this is so creepy. I love reading stuff about aliens and other paranormal beings.

  2. shits crazy. With all the unknown knowledge still in the universe, there must be more intelligent life forms than us.

  3. I would personally love to see a UFO! I've heard many stories haven't actually seen one yet though!

  4. creepy story, can't wait for the next blog.

  5. Great read, Before I die I would love to se aliens and humans comunicate without keeping it secret or anything.

  6. Interesting that they mostly happen in the middle of nowhere... do you have any such anecdotes that happen in or near large population centers?

  7. lol sounds like the farmer was on a little drug binge

  8. I don't think this is even possible...

  9. I love your blog! That picture creeps me out like nothing else!

  10. somehow i doubt the validity of this claim. cool blog though, now following.

  11. transdimensional -> black holes -> time worms easy stuff !!

  12. omg I'd love to have an encounter with an alien.. but not alone haha that'd freak m e out

  13. I love how finished his dinner before dealing with the intruders.

  14. too much haluciogenic drugs methinks

  15. Im still waiting for more video to show up on the January 28th sighting.

  16. Its always hard to take UFO/alien sightings seriously sense they are seldom unique, but this one definitely is.

  17. Gosh darn gotta guard me my dirt farm against them lizard men.

  18. Aliens? Probable considering the vast amount of planets in the universe.

  19. aliens just creep me the fuck out. keep them coming brother!

  20. wow good read but sorry i dont believe in aliens
