Thursday, February 10, 2011

Have YOU Had an Encounter?

"Karren Carruthers is convinced of the existence of UFOs and extra-terrestrial life. And she is not alone." - The Northern Star

Karren had experienced an Alien encounter sometime in her life, and according to her it is a heavy burden to carry around. Think about it, if you legitimately thought that you were abducted or witnessed a UFO people would label you as insane. Who knows, maybe your mom, dad, or best friend have had a close encounter and they are just too afraid to speak up.

Moving along, Karren had a dream to establish an organization where those who have seen the mysterious can get together and share their stories. Well, she followed her dream and now people can do just that at the "Byron UFO Research Group"! You may not think that this is useful info to you now, but I'm sure several readers have had an encounter, or one day will, and this will let them know that there is a safe environment to express themselves. I for one applaud Ms. Carruthers for her initiative, and hope to one day shake her hand.

So that's all I got for you today, hope you enjoyed the read. Until Tomorrow...UFO Today signing out.



  1. I saw a UFO in the Nevada desert, about two years ago.
    this blue light streaked across the sky and then just stopped for about 10 seconds, remaining in one location and then shot off into the distance...

  2. I've had an encounter like that would be nice to talk to people I could see how something like that would be beneficial

  3. The only time I ever thought I've seen things are after being awake for 48+ hours, and I think thats just me freaking out =p

  4. never really had one. always wanted to see one though

  5. I don't know, she probably just wants media attention, or is desperate for money or something. Karren, that is.

  6. I have encounters every night in my sleep!

  7. I was smoking the herb and saw something fly by and I thought to myself holy shit a ufo but it turned out to be ash from the pipe.

  8. @Steve Freeling

    I would say she wants money from media attention .
    But it is just a guess

  9. Check my blog, I have posted a chart for that matter. hahaha

    will support and follow:

  10. Personally, no I haven't.

    But I like your blog, its very interesting :)

  11. cool blog and interesting topic! im following and supporting!

  12. but I actually have seen a UFO before. It was over lake Ontario, a kind of glowing light doing aerial manoeuvres that no human made plane i've ever seen could do.

  13. There are honestly not enough people who believe out there.

  14. People still call me crazy that i have seen a ufo. But when i saw a light in the sky suddenly port from one part in the sky to the next and then accelerate at a break neck pace off until it disappeared i cannot deny what i saw. Still no one believes me and i don't blame them.

  15. haha this blog is so spooky. Things like this dont get reported in our news paper so its good to have you here

  16. Not seen one myself...

  17. I never had an encounter of any sort but I'm positive that there is extraterrestrial life out there.

  18. I am a non believer but I'll keep an open mind. looking forward to your next post.

  19. I'm a skeptic.

    I want to believe but then again....there's so many hoaxes.

    Good blog nonetheless!

  20. Last July at a friends party I saw 3 UFOs in the sky. Its something tat you would have to see to believe.

  21. I had never thought of being abducted as a burden to carry around but i can definitely see it. Just about the only thing I can image more traumatizing than being abducted in the first place would be labeled insane by friends and relatives upon your return

  22. I believe there's something/someone out there. Haven't had any experience though.

  23. i don't believe that,it's just imaginings,following

  24. I believe in Aliens but I don't really think we've been visited by them... cool blog though, definitely following.

  25. Even if I'm a little skeptical I'm going to keep coming back here to read your posts, they're a good read

  26. Hopefully I'll get to see something.

  27. I believe just never seen one myself

  28. No, I haven't. I would mind having one.

  29. Good for her. I had a sighting once that was so weird. At first it was the typical orange orbs (four of them) you hear about a lot but then they started disappearing and reappearing all across the sky! It was something to see. I avoid telling people about it now because no one would believe me anyway.

  30. Encounters of otherworldly events and entities are interesting things. I've studied near death experiences and accounts can vary widely. Sharing experiences could be helpful but it could also collude the individuality and uniqueness of a persons experience.

  31. The universe is unlimited and we are the only intelligent life form? Oh, come on. How arrogant do you got to be?
    I want to believe and I do

  32. I once saw an UFO when i was outside my house

  33. ive never had an encounter, but i think it would be cool to see something you cant easily explain. maybe i just need to look harder...
